this time for real.

rarely do i feel this way
about someone.

had so many dreams about you
kept running into you there,
in another plane.

you did not understand
my dance

i loved you.
i thought i clearly showed that.
but you were not able to see that.

this time for real,
“You will die. Without having enjoyed the magic of it all. How silly will you feel during the last of your breaths?”
“Sex and status - is hell worth for it?”
“It is infinity that is going in both directions. Infinitely large. And infinitely small. Where are you in that infinity? None of this makes sense and it should make you lose your mind. Yet, it does not. You function. How on earth?!”

fuck you.
i'm still obsessing over you.
you still occupy my mind.
or more precisely,
your pussy does.
your personality stinks.

you are shit.

why did you have to be so stupid?
and not see,
what i felt?

don't worry.
i'll get over you.

after a few fucks.

i'll get obsessed over someone new.


fuck you.

I want to see you so badly.
I try to occupy my mind with everything.
I cannot escape.

The image of your face sucking my cock,
and the image of you moaning while desperately
trying to hold on to my hands for comfort,
while I roughly fuck you from behind,
and your perfect fucking ass,
and your perfect fucking body,
they all speak to my dick so powerfully,
that African children with no access to water
can go fuck themselves.

Also, the memories of holding you in my arms,
while we watch the rain outside...
day after we met,
on Friday the 13th...
Of all the days...

Fuck you.

You stupid power-hungry sexy fucking whore.

Fuck your art,
and fuck your ambitions.
You only belong on my dick.
You are only good for that.

You gave me one of the best nights,
and days,
of my life.

Best fuck ever.

Best body ever.

24 hours later,
it was destroyed.

By me,
and my sweet alcohol.

Fucked all day on Saturday.
On Sunday,
it was the end.

You saw all of my demons.

That last wave when you were on a tram,
and it was leaving,
is ingrained in my being,

I will meet you next life.

How the fuck did I fuck this up?
I guess it had to happen this way.
It is all temporary.
1 day or
1 year or
1 lifetime,
what is the difference?

Fuck it.
Fuck it all.

Time to become a fucking monk.
“You do not love another. You love how they make you feel.”
“The internal, and the external, are one and the same. Thoughts, fantasies, dreams, feelings, sunset and frogs - they are fundamentally identical. They are perceived, differently from each other (sunset is nicer than a heartbreak), by you. But what exactly are you? Just the observer? Or can you influence it all? Or just some? Or are you completely hopeless of what comes to you to perceive? Can you cut ties with it all (and if you do, will you become of what you actually are)?”
“It is Monday. Not for pigeons though. For them, it is just another day.”