“Pay attention to your fantasies. That is where you will find what actually drives you. You are not it. You are not your fantasies. Fantasies just come to you, from somewhere. From something. Something that has its objectives. It is trying to seduce you. With imagery. The devil talks in art.”
“Fuck Marcus Aurelius. Suffering is a given fact. Essential attribute of human life. You can try to run and hide from it as much as you want, but you cannot. It follows. It is attached to you. Good luck. And fuck you.”
“Be the devil!”
“Transcend the sense of self in order to get over addiction.”
“You are summer breeze. That fresh chilly air on a hot summer day. Spider webs are not scary anymore, they represent harmony. They represent love. They represent you.”
“Do not kill yourself. Masturbate to your suffering.”
“When people say "it is common sense, that does not need to be explained", it means they are full of shit.”
“Be in awe that things are, that they exist at all, instead of worrying how things should be. This is a magical game worthy of complete amazement.”
“Alcohol - sperm of the devil.”
“Summer!! Oh, summer!! What a beautiful time! I am horny and there are, I estimate, 7 spiders (who are very good at hiding), and like 12 smalls flies in my flat. It is like a jungle!!!! Life and death!!! Everywhere!!!! I am a jungle man!!!! Alive!!!!! Oh, this is great. But I will close my window... Ah, why?!?! I am afraid of intruders?!!? Really?!?!? You are afraid of a fucking moth?!?!”