“10 years ago I would clearly be diagnosed as an introvert, now I would be possibly diagnosed as an extrovert. What does it mean?”
You are scared of not having done it. You want to experience what it is like to be a father. What it is like to be a mother. What is it like to be a grandmother? A grandfather? These are the main forces that drive our behavior. What is it like to be that particular type (father / mother / son / james bond / victim / saviour / grandfather / grandmother etc.)? What is that driven by? An illusion that if people remember you, you survive somehow? But what is that driven by? What is consciousness? Maybe it is like a virus? But a lonely virus? It is scared that something will remain after death? What is the main force that actually drives us? Love? It all evolves. It all adapts. You are part of it. Like a bacteria in your body. You are a part of something unimaginably small and unimaginably huge. We are not scared of dying. We are scared of living forever. But what if the virus experienced everything it thinks it should have experienced? Does it have a will to continue? Why would it? That is why it fucks things up. If you were God, would you not fuck things up? Just for a fun of it? You have lived forever. You have seen it all. It is boring. However. Even if you are God. You still have a God.
“Even a fly is the most beautiful thing.”
“Saying goodbye to youth is one of the most difficult things people have to do.”
“Will I ever be worthy of the pain that I have endured?”
“Relax. It is just a game. It will soon pass. Enjoy. Play.”
“Unimaginable evil is in all us waiting to manifest itself. And it will. Given specific circumstances.”
Knowledge does not necessarily equate to truthfulness.

"Knowledge as justified true belief (JTB)
The JTB account of knowledge is the claim that knowledge can be conceptually analyzed as justified true belief, which is to say that the meaning of sentences such as "Smith knows that it rained today" can be given with the following set of conditions, which are necessary and sufficient for knowledge to obtain:

A subject S knows that a proposition P is true if and only if:
      P is true, and
      S believes that P is true, and
      S is justified in believing that P is true
The JTB account was first credited to Plato"- wikipedia

To get over Gettier's problem one can just remove the first clause (P is true). We all might be just brains in a jar in some other dimension we cannot comprehend. However, we can with confidence say that we have knowledge that the Earth is round.

Knowledge is a justified falsifiable belief. Which is not the same as a justified true belief.
Another failed attempt at love. Yet he still somehow remains hopeful. How many more bullets are left in the chamber? How on earth he still can believe in love? His life depends on it. That is how. If he stops believing in love he knows he will not be human anymore. He is tired. Feels like on a life support. Kinda like a zombie but instead of brains it is love he seeks. He knows it is unlikely to happen. He knows he can never be happy. Maybe prostitution is the answer? Maybe he should give up at trying to be human? Maybe it is time to let the animal inside take over? Maybe it is time to forget humanity? Maybe it is time to force the ideas of connection and love, those stupid silly things, out of his mind? He is losing it. He is out of his mind. He is at the precipice. But where does the abyss lead to? Once he finally falls, where will he fall to? What is down there? Reality or the end of humanity? The end of illusion of love or love itself?
“The smell of summer. Smell, the language of memories. I remember the nights of youth. Nights of wonder. Nights of spending time with my dad fishing near the lake. It all comes back. Just from inhaling. Inhaling the summer.”