“Have I used reason to destroy everything that is human, or have I come closer to being human?”
“Stories live. They live through people. Like viruses. People die. Stories use them as hosts.”
“A psychologist needs to make his patients psychologists.”
“A certain self-defense mechanism is protecting certain values. The stronger the mechanism, the harder it is to challenge those values.”
“A vacation starts after you go back home. Life is in the memories. Should we escape it or should that be embraced?”
“The delusion of immortality is required for survival.”
“You have absolutely no control. You just observe.”
“See what is within. That will help to see what is outside.”
If any other religion would do such things, we would be appalled. Do we not care because we so desperately want to be contrarians? Reject your own religion, go against the status quo. So, you pick Buddhism. Because it is far and exotic. That is how you will find women, when you can tell them you were on a retreat in Nepal. And guys in the West will listen to you carefully as well if you were in such a trip. You will be viewed as a guru. So, you will climb the hierarchy. That's how you think. Not "what you think". But that is "how you think". It is all for women and status. That's why you listen to some bald guy on Youtube talking about nothingness.

Sitting. And listening to your thoughts. That is how you will grow. Whether it is a prayer of "Mary" repeating the same thing over and over. Or it is focusing on your breath. Or it is being in Mosque, kneeling over and over again - or whatever they do there in the Middle East. I don't know what happens in the Middle East. Because I know I will not get more women if I am a Muslim. Anyway. When you do either of those, you will "see" things. You will have revelations. How on earth does it work?

Ego is just an illusion? When you see it clearer you become more free?

How do you start seeing it clearer? When you try to focus on one thing and that leads to notice that thoughts, feelings just come to you? Like snow or rain. In how much control are you really? You cannot make yourself happy or sad. You either feel it or not. What kind of ideas have you had recently? Did you create them? Or they just came when you were singing in a shower pretending you are giving profound interviews in most prominent podcasts in the world?

It just comes. And just goes. And we just observe. Why on earth do we fight? So, so silly. It makes no sense.

No, it does make sense. You were born in some society, it was your authority, and you internalized all the rules of that authority. Parents are authorities as well. Even if you are born in a super free and tolerant society, but your parents hated a certain group when you were growing up - that hatred will always be there somewhere in you.

Society has rules. Strict rules. Those rules could have been completely different. Would still be strict. Would still influence you profoundly. So, why do we fight? Because our rules are different? My rules are better than yours? But I would be exactly like you if I was in your situation!

Wouldn't it cause less suffering accepting that I would be you if I were you, and you would be me if you were me? Basically, it is all just bunch of lotteries. Wouldn't that realization lead us to stop this nonsense?

Under certain circumstances you could be Hitler, under others' - Jesus.

We should be okay with Buddhists doing what they do to their children. Or with whatever people do in their societies. Because even if you are sure your moral framework is superior, do not try to impose it onto others. Cause you don't know shit.

This was written by a human. Because AI would not have written such bullshit. But bullshit is what makes you human.
“Listen to animals. Listen to birds. Listen to crickets. Listen to the wind going through trees. Listen. Just... Listen.”