“Are you honest? Then have faith in yourself and your journey that you are undertaking.”
“Does truth matter or any reasonable explanation for inexplicable feelings will suffice for the alleviation of pain caused by no answers? Does truth exist? Can you ever be sure of anything?”
“Contentment is brought by influencing others in a positive way.”
“A hypothesis for previously inexplicable feelings, no matter how wrong it is (are there any true ones..?), lead to relief. It gives some sense of control in the world that is otherwise truly mad and unintelligible to a human mind. Stories and explanations, no matter how delusional (which they always are), prevent people from being in hell. But it also prevents them from being in heaven. It just leads to numb despair.”
“Memories are formed more strongly when associated with emotions. If there is a moment of a useful insight, it will be more therapeutic when it is accompanied by emotions. Affect evocation and its analysis is a powerful duo.”
“Great conversation is better than sex. A cigarette after sex that was preceded by a great conversation leads to the place of the Kingdom of God that Jesus was talking about.”
“What makes me alive and be in awe is the same thing that makes me sometimes be in complete and total anguish - the truthful clear understanding that I possess no answers nor I ever will.”
“Chaos gives birth to order. Order gives birth to chaos. Combination of the best from both worlds is the answer?”
“Comfort kills.”
“You are a perfect manifestation of the Devil. My god, you are so fucking beautiful.”