The main objective of drives such as sex, sugar, love and the like is instant gratification. These are the parts of The ID.

Super-ego consists of the ideals of the society an individual was raised in. The ideals manifest in the form of religions, role models, popular sayings and stories. It is a higher level of abstraction. Beneath there is software which runs on the utilitarian tit-for-that strategy which continuously makes power in a society more and more decentralized.

The Ego is the mediator between those two. Both parts need to be equally satisfied. Not taking care of one leads to imbalance that manifests itself through feelings such as anxiety and general sense of despair. The Ego is hurt when it is reminded it is unable to satisfy its own two children, or at least one of them. The voice of reason is part of the Ego. The Devil as well.

The strategy for life albeit difficult to implement effectively is obvious. Undertake the journey of physical, intellectual and moral improvement which satisfies the Super-ego. The child cannot run the house, but if it is unhappy, the whole house will be burning. Therefore, the life without sex, love and sugar will never be full.
“you are dying. adventurous soul has left. done. join the club.”
i am your fool.

i told you you are a perfect manifestation of the Devil.
you devilishly smiled.
conquering my soul.

your smile owns my existence.

i told you you could be a perfect KGB agent.
you use me.
deceive me.
please do.
i do not care.
i like it.

your eyes...


i will conquer your soul as well.

just wait...

i am waiting...

"i have all the time in the world.
you'll be right here by my side..."
“Spend time by yourself. You must learn to be okay being alone.”
“Love, work, and play.
Love - everyone, for what they are, accepting their flaws.
Work - it must be something you find meaning in.
Play - remember the magic of being a child?”
“The price of indulging in fantasies is heavy. Unfulfillment of it leads to great distress. What is the solution? Always expect the worst?”
“Acknowledging death makes life and its moments more precious.”
“Multiple forces / drives / personalities are in us. They need to be incorporated, made to live in congruence. Otherwise, pathologies emerge.”
“We are so afraid to make genuine connections. Power struggle is so great, we forget to love. It becomes constant calculations instead. When did we become this way? We were not like that when we were children! How on earth have we forgotten this?!”
“Play. Do not ever forget to play.”