“Amor fati”
“Why is suffering bad? There is no answer to that. It just is. To be even more precise - this question is invalid. Good and bad are invalid words. Why people have convictions about it is explained in The Innateness of Morality. Feelings come first. They rule. Stories emerge as desperate tries to justify it. The realization of the inability to answer the most profound whys for the things we take for granted shall destroy the ego and set the individual free.”
“Life is such a great immersive movie that made us believe that we can influence it.”
“Girls and philosophy. That is the meaning of life.”
“Cut everything that keeps you from embarking on the journey that your soul calls for.”
“Life. In a short-term it might be tragic, in a long-term it is just a pure comedy.”
“Ideas fight. Fights between ideas run on the same mechanism that drives evolution's survival of the fittest. Ideas are viruses. Humans are hosts. Which idea will prevail? The one that survives the best under current circumstances. What is underneath ideas? Something deeper trying to achieve immortality through it. The hosts with better viruses will win.”
“You are just playing the game and its rules were fabricated by your society. Fascinatingly enough, the game and its objectives get internalized. What is outside becomes you.”
“Hating someone means you hate something in you.”
“The thread holding sanity is so thin.”