“Self-awareness was preceded by language.”
“We have a sense of individuality because of our limitation of senses. We perceive less than 1% of the spectrum of light and less than 1% of the spectrum of sound. How would our perception of the world look and feel like if we were able to perceive, let's say, 10% of it instead? How would our societies be structured then?”
“A modern man. He believes in no good. He does not believe in love. He believes in no evil. How can he survive?”
“Because of not having the consensus of the moral framework globally, conflicts emerge. The West values an individual above all and The East values the collective above all. They couldn't differ more.”
“It goes to infinity in both directions. Infinitely large and infinitely small. Where exactly are you in that infinity?”
“Without being able to relate to the devil you will not be able to defeat the devil.”
“My goal in life is to make people see the demons inside of them.”
“Mass production of meat is the biggest crime a human has ever committed.”

You, what you perceive as you, is just one part of the whole self. The whole self consists of many parts. Like you, all parts have objectives. None of the parts are more fundamental than others.
What is your objective? The part you identify with. What is its objective?
The more you repress any of the parts the stronger it will eventually manifest itself.
Repression leads to suffering.
“What do you hate in your father and in your mother? Have you become the complete opposite?”