“The way to change the ugliness inside of you is to accept it.”
“Your personality is a shield against unresolved trauma.”
“Behaviors emerge from values. Want to change a behavior? Change the value that causes it. Want to find the values you hold? Pay attention to your visions of the future that cause you to feel good. How often do you imagine the future? Pay attention to it and, your fears and desires will become apparent, as well as the values.”
“Afraid of not having lived? Then live.”
“That beautiful feeling of tipsiness after only the second beer after taking a break from alcohol for a few days...”
“You will never outrun your fears. The only solution is to stare at them and invite them in. Afraid of dying alone without reaching your potential? Good. Remind yourself that in the time of dread. In the meantime, go look at art, at a tree, ponder.”

Genes that escape unnecessary suffering for themselves and their kin, and use tit-for-tat strategy when cooperating with others will naturally prevail. That is the starting point of morality. From it the fabric, which includes religions and all other stories, of all human societies emerge.

It is not the starting point of it all, of course. But it can and should and actually is chosen as one when it comes to the questions of morality without us even realizing it most of the time. And for a good reason. We cannot go beyond it. To consider atomic level for determining what is right or wrong is a frivolous and detrimental endeavour. The infinity cannot be comprehended by mortals.

It does not matter whether we consciously try to improve the moral framework by using utilitarian ideals. It naturally evolves that way nonetheless. However, if we consciously choose to believe in its objectiveness, less suffering will be endured.

The foundation of morality consists of two parts: well-being and fair cooperation. These are the goals that we innately try to achieve both consciously and unconsciously. Both individually and collectively. All other goals and values grow from this foundation; are derived from it. Democracy, capitalism, believes of what is right or wrong are inevitable to occur in this way eventually after this starting point transpires.

The Moral Framework will continue to evolve. Innately and automatically. Making us closer and closer to the foundation. But it will never be perfectly aligned. Therefore ever-changing. It can nevertheless be influenced.

There are infinite paths to take even though they lead to the same destination. Some of those paths are very bloody. Should we try our best to not take them?

We are nothing but our circumstances.

Where do our thoughts come from?
Think of a movie. What is it? Why did you pick it? Think of a random number. What is it? Why did you pick it? Repeat this a few times. Try to really really observe where it comes from. It seems it just appears from somewhere but "ourselves", doesn't it? We might have justifications why we chose a specific movie or a number, but don't justifications come after the choice?

Aren't we just the result of bunch of "luck"? Genes and circumstances (your parents, society you were born in, people you met, experiences and accidents you went through). And isn't that and only that that shapes our actions and beliefs? And almost none of it was chosen by us. You didn't choose your neural structure, did you? What if it's true? What if we all believed that? Wouldn't we stop judging? Wouldn't that lead to understanding and compassion?

We don't need 10 commandments. We just need laws. Rapists, murderers, pedophiles still, of course, must be locked up. Until we figure out how we can fix those type of brains. And we will. It will all be fixable.

Utopia awaits once we stop judging.
Utopia awaits once we lose the notion of "self".
In her shoes I would do the same.
In his shoes I would do the same.
I am Jesus.
I am Hitler.
I am everyone who has ever lived or ever will.

D: There is no meaning of life because eventually you will die, your family will die, the sun will explode, the universe will implode.
D2: Does it mean that if you lived forever, your family never died, the sun never exploded, the universe never imploded, there would be meaning?

D: Is rape evil?
S: Of course!
D: Why?
S: Because it causes suffering you idiot!
D: What do you think of lions eating gazelles alive?
S: Well, it's nature, they need food to survive, they can't just eat asparagus.
D: Don't they cause immense suffering?
S: ...yes...
D: Are they bad?
S: No.
D: What's the difference between rape and eating a gazelle alive?
S: You do one to survive, another one because you are a selfish piece of shit. That's a really stupid comparison. You look drunk.
D: What makes an act evil?
S: When you cause suffering without a reason.
D: What if the reason is I'm horny and I'm ugly?
S: Oh Jesus... Okay, evil is something that causes suffering.
D: Is every animal that eats other animals evil? Is every animal that causes any suffering evil?
S: Yeah... I guess you could say that...
D: What about the lightning, what about the storm, what about a meteor? Are they evil too cause they sometimes cause pain?
S: They are not conscious!
D: Only consciousness can be evil?
S: I'm going home. I had a tough day at work. I don't have energy for this nonsense. I'll go watch some Netflix. Bye.
D: One more!