“Both democrats and republicans want a divided country.
Would you rather have a population where everyone can criticize you or two tribes where one will always protect you and attack another one no matter what?”

Divide a government into shares like a business.
Distribute 80% of those shares to the citizens.
Put the rest 20% on sale on a stock exchange.
Revenue is taxes collected.
Changes are done with pure democracy. Votes are public. But votes can also be delegated to others.


Appropriate taxes.
Increased welfare.
Better quality education. Abolish student fees. Send lots of money to the best schools but make them compete as much as possible.
Better healthcare. Current one is toxic (meaning in very capitalistic countries; others are inefficient - both would be solved).

“Who have you felt closest with?”
“Bill Burr is a philosopher.”
“Suffering is in contradictions. Solution? Be aware of it. That way eventually it will get resolved.”
“Never being satisfied for longer than a moment is our natural state. Without that progress is impossible. Doesn't that lead that progress requires suffering? What is progress?”
“Keep asking why until you have no answer.”
“Thoughts and feelings are as real as material.”
“Would it be moral to sacrifice one in a million for the rest to be happy? Don't we already do it?”

Even though the absolute morality does not exist, follow the path of your moral compass. It will guide you.

Do not lie.
Be righteous.
Do the right thing, you know what it is.

Do not blame others.

Getting away from it all will not help.
The solution is inside.

Do not be the slave to your animals.

Do not be afraid of dying.
Death is just a change of elements.

Care about people but not their careless judgements.

Keep your mouth shut and listen.

Pay attention to the now.
