“The line between what you truly want to be and complete madness. How close are they to each other?”
“How laughable. You desperately seek for happiness. Yet you judge the ones who achieve it as inferior.”
“Why do you want the things that you do? Why do you subscribe to the ideas that you do? Because you were introduced to them, because your heroes embodied them. Those heroes were not chosen by you, that is the point.”
“Ups and downs. You gotta live with it.”
“Want to help a person? See it through their eyes without judgement. Feel what they feel. Perceive what they perceive. But do not lose your separateness in the process.
Listen what happens from within and accept it. See it for what it is. Then you will not act. Phonies are easily seen.
Accept them, without trying to change them. That is when, paradoxically, as stated by Carl Rogers, the change happens.”
“How can you have capitalism without individualism? If we can answer that, we will progress.”
“Socialism and direct democracy are inevitable.”
“Czech men hate expats deep down inside because expats fuck their women. That is nature.”

Hello, my dear friend N,

Aren't you just as religious as your despicable Christians? What do you believe, my lovely individualistic friend? You must produce value! You must create something! You must be effective! You must write a book! And if you do not, if you fail to achieve what the ideology of the day tells you to achieve, you are to blame. You alone. You are a failure. You must punish yourself through the feeling of inadequacy. You are not good enough. Will you ever be good enough?

Ponder about the origins of these 21st century individualistic values. Where did they come from? Have they sprung out of something that you despise?

If you were born some not very long time ago, wouldn't it all be about being a good mother and a wife? But our values are superior! Even if different ideas produced greater happiness, for us and others, it would not matter, would it? We would still judge them because we are closer to the truth than them!

Societal values get internalized. An internal judge emerges in our minds, born out of the experiences and ideas of the times we were born in. The judge becomes the one who whips us for our shortcomings. Shortcomings are defined by the society. The judge hates us. Or maybe, to be more precise, it just makes us hate ourselves? Because, can it really ever be satiated?

I beg you to consider! Is it you!? What are you? Are these your ideas, my friend?! I do not want to see you wallowing in a pit of self-hatred anymore. Consider, please! Those ideas and values you so devotely subscribe to, are they not actually just the ideas of the judge? You are a loyal believer indeed. You have been faithful to the greatest extent. Is the Pope so attached to his God as you are to yours?

Will you be able to one day say goodbye to your Jesus?

Could you live without him?

How could you?

Will you ever be worthy? Will you ever feel like it? What needs to change in order for it to happen?
“Why do you long for love? To alleaviate loneliness? To have an object of status? Can you actually love?”