“When they share themselves, they become alive.”
“Admit the evil inside of you. Nazi Germany? That kind of evil is in you, waiting for specific circumstances to manifest itself. How to disarm it? Admit that it is there, in you.”
“It takes confidence to laugh loudly.”
“What is this voice inside that tells you the truth?”
Control slipping.
Through my fingers.
Like water.

I am so powerless.
I fight it.

I do not want to be with you.

I cannot be without you.

You are so cold.
Is that why you are able to control me?
I just want to have what I cannot?
Is that how simple I am?

I feel so much.
You made me feel so much.
I cannot stop fantasizing about you.

I just want you to be by my side.

I hate you.
I desire you.
So much.

I want to escape this hell.
But I cannot.
And I do not want.

I am alive.

I really really am alive.

On a happy train,
that I know will have a deadly crash.

Fuck it.

It has a nice view.
“You asked for love!
No matter how much it would hurt.
No matter how long it would last.
You said:
"I will take it no matter what!!!
Even a few weeks will be enough!!!"

And now you have it!

And your response?!:
"Oh, it hurts!! It soon will end!!"

Weak ass pussy.”
“I do not want to be with you. I cannot be without you.”
“fuck you.”
“You are this wild animal that I am slowly taming. So frustrating, so fun. You are so fucking tasty, I want you.”
“If you are pursuing something that you know is bad, of course you will suffer, you silly goose.”