If I wanted to invite you to my place, should a government, under any circumstances, not allow me to do that?

What is a government? Isn't it just a group of people who know how to talk to masses and make deals with businesses?

What if after inviting you I would try to sell you some alcohol as well? Wouldn't that be just a bar? Should anyone but me, who rents or owns the place, risks by investing in it, have the say who I can allow in in the premises or when it can be opened?

But what about pandemics and other emergencies? In that case, couldn't bar owners decide themselves whether to have the bar open? Why would they make worse decisions than politicians after listening to health experts? Is it because they are incentivized to make profit no matter what? What if there was a virus that killed 10% of population? Would a bar owner risk their life to keep their bar running? Would there be any customers?

Do people in the government have moral superiority compared to an average citizen to make better decisions regarding an event like a pandemic?

Shouldn't we try to decentralize power as much as possible? Doesn't it mean we should try to take away what a government can do as much as possible?

Shouldn't we run things based on majority's vote? What's the percentage of citizens who want a government to be able to tell them when or where they can go? Are we, maybe, doing some things the majority does not actually want?
2022-01-27 18:37:14