The demon of sex precedes thoughts emerging and those thoughts being perceived i.e. those enchanting poetic love stories are created to justify the ID in order to satisfy the Super-Ego. The captain of the ship is invisible, hidden under the veil of fantasies such as love or friendship. Is it truly needed? One might say this truth would break the social norms. But, would it be bad? What if everyone peeled the onion until they saw what is inside the bulb? Where would it lead to? I believe it would lead to the actual true love.

In other words, drives are the initiators of the action and thought. They reward or punish us through feelings. Thoughts must match societal norms (that are internalized as well) to satisfy the Super-Ego. Think you love that person, miss them while listening to love songs and all of it makes you feel alive? Well, the drive of reproduction rewards you in this way so you continue being attached to the person you can reproduce with.

Are we just marionettes of the drives believing in a lie that we are free? Just the knowledge and clear awareness of it does not seem to lead to a long-term emancipation. Is it because there will always be a part in us that wants to believe in magic?
2024-05-09 11:10:02