Canada withdraws from NATO. It becomes clearer and clearer that the influence of Russia or China (or combination of both; imagine there is a strong alliance between them) is growing rapidly in both political elite and the general population in Canada. Anti-US sentiment is too. Suddenly the perfect location that played the key role in superiority of US for centuries is not so perfect anymore. The enemy is right at the doors. 50% of oil imports that come from our Canadian brothers is in jeopardy as well. You know there is rampant corruption in Canadian politics too - otherwise, how on earth could that happen?! Good news, at least, there is 50% of Canadian population that is pro US.

Geopolitical chess is played on the map by powers.

Russia would never allow Western influence in Ukraine. Would US allow Eastern in Canada?

Russia is to be condemned for its invasion. Its actions are deplorable. However, isn't this the reality? The reality of power and its continuous struggle against other powers?
2022-03-29 22:19:18