Okay, enough. There are use cases of crypto. And they are profound.

1. PoolTogether - savings protocol based on Premium Bonds
You can withdraw your money whenever you want. You can't lose. The protocol has been live for over three years. Since its inception, the protocol distributed over $5 million in prizes to depositors. The luckiest winner so far deposited $74 and won over $40,000.
How does it work?
- Users deposit into the network
- Yield accrues on all deposits
- The yield is randomly awarded as prizes to the users.
Fucking amazing! Isn't it?! Everyone in the world with the internet connection can access it and use it! Once again. You can't lose, you can only win!!
Oh, and what about the crazy delegation functionality?

2. I have Bitcoin and Ether just sitting there doing nothing... Hm, I wish there was something I could do about it...
What about you go to Aave and lend it to earn some yield!? Oh, and that's not all! You can borrow USDC against it and... Go back to step 1!

3. Brave Browser - Earn tokens just for browsing. Use them for almost anything: Cash gift cards. Crypto. Tips to the websites & content creators you like.

4. Ens.Domains - decentralised naming for wallets, websites, & more.

Why do some tech people hate on everything crypto related?
My hypothesis is people are bitter that they missed on Bitcoin gains that would have allowed them to retire early. So, now, they will hate on everything crypto related even when TVL will reach trillions of dollars.

It is expensive to use!!!
L2 is here.

It uses some much energy!!
Oh Jesus, okay... How about you maybe stop eating mea... Okay, fine. Even that will be solved. POS is coming.

Honest question
Would anything change your mind? Defi on Ethereum has almost $100,000,000,000 locked in TVL at the moment. What if it was $1,000,000,000,000? Would that change your mind? Borderless transactions & trade that no country can stop - there is no way it could be extremely beneficial and revolutionary for societies? What would change your mind? Be honest with yourself.

And please. Please! Just deposit a few hundred dollars to Coinbase, download a browser wallet and go play around with Defi protocols. Then come back and tell me how it is all a sham.

It is revolutionary!! And I will be sending this article to you in 10 years when trillions of dollars will be locked in in the smart contracts. Will you have your mind changed by then..?
2022-08-04 14:36:52