D: Is rape evil?
S: Of course!
D: Why?
S: Because it causes suffering you idiot!
D: What do you think of lions eating gazelles alive?
S: Well, it's nature, they need food to survive, they can't just eat asparagus.
D: Don't they cause immense suffering?
S: ...yes...
D: Are they bad?
S: No.
D: What's the difference between rape and eating a gazelle alive?
S: You do one to survive, another one because you are a selfish piece of shit. That's a really stupid comparison. You look drunk.
D: What makes an act evil?
S: When you cause suffering without a reason.
D: What if the reason is I'm horny and I'm ugly?
S: Oh Jesus... Okay, evil is something that causes suffering.
D: Is every animal that eats other animals evil? Is every animal that causes any suffering evil?
S: Yeah... I guess you could say that...
D: What about the lightning, what about the storm, what about a meteor? Are they evil too cause they sometimes cause pain?
S: They are not conscious!
D: Only consciousness can be evil?
S: I'm going home. I had a tough day at work. I don't have energy for this nonsense. I'll go watch some Netflix. Bye.
D: One more!
2021-06-06 17:25:42